Sleep Quiz




Do you have a sleep problem?
Do you suspect you have a problem? How you can find out if you do? Take the first step and answer our sleep quizzes. The results of each quiz are discussed below the quiz.

Sleep Quizzes

General Sleep Quiz
Sleepiness Quiz
Sleep Quality Quiz

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General Sleep Quiz
Start by answering questions one through three. Review your results from the first section and then move on to questions four through eleven.

1) Do you snore loud enough to be heard in another room?yesno

2) Has someone seen you stop breathing when you sleep?yes

3) Do you fall asleep while driving or at stop signalsyes

Answers: The answer to questions one through three should be no. An answer of yes to any of these questions means that you have a very high likelihood of having a significant sleep disorder such as sleep apnea. You should seek help as soon as possible. You should make an appointment to see your doctor or a 
sleep specialist.

If your answer to each of the above questions is no, continue by answering questions four through eleven.

4) Do you snore regularly?yes

5) Does your spouse sleep in another room because of your snoring?yes

6) Do you wake up with headaches?yes

7) Do you wake up tired after sleeping eight hours?yes

8) Do you fall asleep during quiet, relaxed times of the day after
sleeping eight hours the previous night?yes

9) Do you drink more than three caffeinated beverages a day?yes

10) Do you drink coffee or tea at bedtime and have no trouble going to sleep?yes

11) Do you get up frequently to urinate?yes

Sleepiness Quizzes
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
Complete the following questionnaire using the following scoring system to determine where you fall on the sleepiness scale:

0= no chance of dozing
1= slight chance of dozing
2= moderate chance of dozing
3= high chance of dozing


Chance of Dozing

Sitting and reading

Watching TV

Sitting, inactive, in a public place
(e.g. a theater or meeting)

Sitting as a passenger in a car for an hour without a break

Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit

Sitting and talking to someone

In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic







Total score: ________

If your total score is ten or greater, it is highly recommended that you seek the help of your physician orsleep specialist. Excessive sleepiness is a common problem that is usually the result of a correctable sleep disorder.

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